Ferrero has seem to taken a more marketed approach to their company marketing their products mainly to children but at the same time marketing the nutritional value it has (this information aimed at the parents). According to their website their company value is that: 
"Our constant attention towards consumers’ needs is the foundation of our company policy, inspired by maximum transparency and excellence in quality.

Our loyalty towards consumers and the trust they put in our products with their everyday purchases are at the core of the long-lasting relation that we enjoy with them."
Though the Nutella company is more on a marketing approach they are also product oriented as Mr.Ferrero said that the company has a "wealth of resources" to use. Being in the chocolate industry they have revolutionized the use of chocolate and hazelnut in their famous Nutella spread to being use for children's breakfast. They market the brand name depending on the customer group which is children.

Keishel Lee
12/18/2012 11:13:21 am

I agree that Ferrero leans towards a market-oriented approach as they are more focused on satisfying the needs/wants of the consumers through what they want, and that is the nutritional value of the product


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